02 May 2011

BIG post

Yipieeee I got my screen printing material I ordered so I'll be able to get that organized soon so I can get t-shirts, tea towels , cards,... up, printing and selling. Also it was good fun for my cat Mistralle, she always enjoys a BIG BOX :-)

01 May 2011

first brainstorming idea

So here are some of the first brainstorming ideas I had for my new logo and name as an illustrator/designer.

The name Clixbee comes from my grandmother's last name Clixby.

So let me know what you guys think !!!!!!!!! The main idea is that it can be used in B&W and colour.

I'll keep you all posted

25 April 2011

great book ...

hi to you all, so sorry it's been a while again since my last blog, but I wasn't much in the mood since the passing of my grandmother...anyway i‘m back and busy I got this great book here "The handmade marketplace" by Kari Chapin really really interesting so if you are interested in selling crafts, branding, blogging, finances, selling and many other interesting tips get the book !! Anyway I'm folowing her advice and am busy on branding myself, comeing up with a name , logo,... I`ll keep you updated so you can see my new logo and the next steps...

27 March 2011

Dear Nana...

This is a card for my grandmother that passed away this past week...R.I.P. Nana xxx

25 March 2011

friday 25th...

So today I was a little out of it as I got the sad news yesterday that my granny just passed away:-( but life must go one ... Yes I‘m aware that I have been drawing my figure alwasys frontal and neerly same possision... so that will change soon hihi.

22 March 2011

tuesday 22nd...

Day two of my visual diary and it's already evolving into it's own look...

21 March 2011

monday 21st...Zara Home

my break times at work I‘m gonna give you a little look in my world „ the part time job in ZaraHome“ like they say a drawing a day keeps the docter away...

just a little something to keep my drawing fingers going, trying, testing, evolving,... and a little fun...

26 January 2011


hidihow, just wanted to let you all know I‘ve updated my website, please take a look... www.caciliaturner-illustrations.tk